Curent manufacture line approximately 2 weeks long!

Insert for This War Of Mine

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Build to Order
Code: 902
Brand: Kalkared
33,42 € 40,44 € incl. VAT
Category: Inserts for Board Games
Weight: 0.7 kg
? Filament Color: Gray Dark (GRYD)
? Netto Weight [g]: 550
? Card Tray [mm]: 68,2 x 93 (Diamond GREEN)
? Box [mm]: 287 x 287 x 69
  • Compatible with This War of Mine (2016)

  • Supports Tales from the Ruined City and Days of the Siege Expansions

  • Components made with Kickstarter campaign may not fit in the box

  • Supports card sleeves with 80 microns thickness (FFG, Mayday, Diamond, Paladin, Board Game Sleeves, etc.).

  • Lid is raised for 10mm due to the large amount of components and diaries

  • Insert is made of 13 pieces of trays and boxes
    • 1 x Main box for cards
    • 1 x Box for components
    • 1 x Box for enemies and rings
    • 3 x Box for miniatures
    • 1 x Box for tokens from both expansions
    • 1 x Small Box for cards
    • 5 x Tray for colored tokens

  • It is possible to store game vertically with this accesory as long as the lid is tight shut.

  • Material: PETG (is not affected by UV light or embrittlement in time and has higher stiffness unlike usual PLA). Printed with Standard color. If you have a special request and want to have your insert in a different color, contact us first please.

  • Most of our products are printed on order and manufacture time is taking around 2 weeks. We are keeping in stock only the most buyed items, more in ABOUT US.

  • Colors of parts can be very often different than in reality for prototype reasons but there sill applies the rules about Standard colors.

  • Original components of the game and card sleeves in photos are only for purpose of presentation and showcase of distribution and they are not part of delivery.

  • This is not an officially licenced product.

  • Declaration of Comformity, Manual and Layout of components can be found on THIS page.
  • Goods are Built to Order and cannot be returned within the statutory 14 day period.
  • Card Sleeves (protects cards against wearing, tearing and also greasy fingers - conserve the value of your game)
    • You will need following number and type of packs available in our store and directly here in Related fold.
      • 4 x Diamond Green: Standard (63,5x88 mm)
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RV Avatar of author | 11/02/2025
Insert pro This War of Mine je skvělý a kvalitní doplněk, který zjednodušuje přípravu a úklid hry. Doporučuji všem, kdo chtějí pohodlnější zážitek ze hry. Mockrát děkuji!
AG Avatar of author | 18/12/2023
I bought this insert for my daughter who before could barely fit the base game into the box. The number of cards and pieces in this game is terrifying. Now that I bought this insert, there are 2 more expansions in the same box. The lid lifts by 1 cm, but I can't imagine a better solution. Cardboard tokens of unusual sizes have their places adjusted to their shape. It looks like tailor-made clothes :). Each figure has its own separate place. There's finally some order in the box. Great insert. It saves shelf space because expansion boxes are no longer needed.
B Avatar of author | 22/02/2022
Shipping really fast. Amazing work even better than I expected. Everything fit perfectly in box. Highly recommend. Insert like this should be a standard in boardgames.
CH Avatar of author | 28/01/2022
Just got mine in (United States). No problems at all with shipping (even during the holidays). Great people to work with and great product. Really nice, thoughtful design and solid construction. Helps you make sure you don't lose anything either since the game is designed with a specific amount of resources available in the game. Also, the token trays are amazing for organizing your tokens while you play. Highly, highly recommended for this board game!
Avatar of author | 17/12/2021
perfektní funkční insert, velice usnadňuje a zrychluje přípravu hry, chrání komponenty před poškozením,
Z Avatar of author | 29/11/2021
Insert jsem si poridila a jsem s nim spokojena. Vejdou se tam i dalsi 2 rozsireni ke hre.
J Avatar of author | 11/11/2021
Insert je super, všichni, kteří se mnou hru hrají, jsou z něj také unešení.
JJ Avatar of author | 08/11/2021
Jeden z mých prvních insertů. Všechno v jedné krabici a nachystáno na stole za pár minut. Prostě perfektně funkční insert.
O Avatar of author | 06/11/2021
Naprostá dokonalost! Co mě zaujalo a rozhoupalo ke koupi, bylo to skladování různých žetonů zdrojů. Konečně se dá vše najít rychle a vše urychlí setup. Musím to tu sledovat více a těším se na další inzerty.
VR Avatar of author | 05/11/2021
Great insert, well made, good quality, everything fits as it should. Makes playing the game much easier. Good and quick communication.
L Avatar of author | 05/11/2021
Proti tomuto insertu nemám žádné výhrady. Nejdřív jsem se trochu bála, že hlavní prostor na karty by se mohl častým používáním polámat - připomíná ementál, ale docela chápu, že kdyby měl být plný tak by to navýšilo cenu i váhu krabice...taktéž mohu říct, že i přesto, že hru hrajeme často, tak jsou všechny části v pořádku. Zatím mám chybí rozšíření V obležení, ale hru skladujeme na výšku a komponenty se díky šikovnému rozvržení zatím ani jednou nerozházely. Nejlepší na tom to insertu je krabička na itemy a stavové žetony. Ale celkově je super i prostor na figurky a zbylé komponenty, je to jednoznačně mnohem lepší řešení než u původního insertu, který vám přijde v krabici. A navíc toto řešení bezproblému zvládne uskladnit obalené karty - máme je v obalech od Tlamy a nemůžeme si stěžovat. Hra se lépe chystá a po náročném hraní hlavně i lépe uklízí.
C Avatar of author | 05/11/2021
This is easily the best insert for This War of mine that you can get. Everything fits perfectly and it streamlines the gameplay to a great deal. Additionally excellent customer Service and fast delivery.
M Avatar of author | 05/11/2021
Just imagine how excellent the token trays work during gsmeplay. It is perfect for maintenance and upkeep. No more searching and comparing in the base insert. This is sophisticated and all content in just one box! The lid raise is unavoidable with this much content. I used a special rubber band to keep everything in place and it even works stored vertically that way!!
JS Avatar of author | 04/11/2021
Pro tuto hru podle mě nutnost, skvělé řešení pro figurky a hlavně žetony, vše přehledně roztříděno a krásné po ruce. Provedení perfektní. Vřele doporučuju.

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