Curent manufacture line approximately 3 weeks long!

Insert for Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth

Compatible with Shadowed Paths and Spreading War Expansions

Build to Order
Code: 911
Brand: Kalkared
56,06 € 67,83 € incl. VAT
Category: Inserts for Board Games
Weight: 1.2 kg
? Filament Color: Brown Red (BRWR), Gray Dark (GRYD)
? Netto Weight [g]: 1000
? Card Tray [mm]: 44,5 x 65,5 (Diamond Yellow), 74,5 x 123 (Diamond Pink)
? Box [mm]: 287 x 287 x 132
  • Compatible with Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth (2019)

  • Supports Shadowed Paths, Spreading War and 2 mini expansions
  • All expansions can be stored in Core box and one box can be used for all tiles and manuals
  • Now you can also buy Player Boards
  • Supports card sleeves with 80 microns thickness (FFG, Mayday, Diamond, Paladin, Board Game Sleeves, etc.).

  • Insert is made of 16 pieces trays and boxes
    • 3 x Box for cards directly usable during the game
    • 1 x Tray for Character, Item, Terrain, etc. cards
    • 1 x Tray for enemy banners
    • 1 x Box for tokens and terrain tiles
    • 10 x Box of various size for character and enemy miniatures
  • Insert is made with space reserve for a potential 3rd big expansion!



  • It is possible to store game vertically with this accesory as long as the lid is tight shut.

  • Material: PETG (is not affected by UV light or embrittlement in time and has higher stiffness unlike usual PLA). Printed with Standard color. If you have a special request and want to have your insert in a different color, contact us first please.

  • Most of our products are printed on order and manufacture time is taking around 2 weeks. We are keeping in stock only the most buyed items, more in ABOUT US.

  • Colors of parts can be very often different than in reality for prototype reasons but there sill applies the rules about Standard colors.

  • Original components of the game and card sleeves in photos are only for purpose of presentation and showcase of distribution and they are not part of delivery.

  • This is not an officially licenced product.

  • Declaration of Comformity, Manual and Layout of components can be found on THIS page.
  • Goods are Built to Order and cannot be returned within the statutory 14 day period.
  • Card Sleeves (protects cards against wearing, tearing and also greasy fingers - conserves the value of your game)
    • If you own all previously mentioned expansions you will need the following number and type of packs available in our store and directly here in Related menu.
      • 2 x Diamond Yellow: American Mini (41x63 mm)
      • 1 x Diamond Pink: Tarot (70x120 mm)
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PK Avatar of author | 20/01/2025
Perfektní, krásně se tam vleze všechno co bylo doposud vydáno. Kvalita je výborná, nic křehkého.
MC Avatar of author | 14/11/2024
Jsem velmi spokojený s insertem pro hru Pán Prstenů: Putování po Středozemi. Skvělý materiál a precizní zpracování dělají z tohoto insertu opravdu kvalitní produkt. Oproti konkurenci může být cenově o něco dražší, ale rozhodně stojí za to – jedná se o špičkovou práci, která usnadňuje organizaci hry a zvyšuje požitek ze samotného hraní.
Y Avatar of author | 31/01/2024
Great product! Everything fits in perfectly with some extra space. Quality of plastic in fantastic. The manufacturer added a new delivery destination for me, and the insert arrived intime and for a good price.
Avatar of author | 30/01/2024
Skvělý insert. Dorazil i s návodem, jak jednotlivé kartičky a komponenty poskládat a uložit do krabice. Naprostá spokojenost, mohu jen doporučit. Děkuji
BP Avatar of author | 27/12/2023
Perfektně vymyšlený insert. Ostatně jako všechny od KALKARED co jsem doposud měl. Cena mě chvíli odrazovala ale jsem rád že jsem do toho šel. Určitě to za ty peníze stojí. Pavel
A Avatar of author | 27/11/2023
Výborný insert, ostatně jako všechny ostatní od Kalkared, hodně prostoru na rozšíření. Celý insert je poměrně lehký díky tenčím stěnám i odlehčeným dnům krabiček, vypadá to dobře a je to funkční. U mne se, bohužel, ta tenkost dna větších komponent projevila proražením jedné spodní části velké krabičky, patrně při transportu. Ale pár kapek vteřinového lepidla to napravilo :) I přes tento drobný problém doporučuji tento insert.
S Avatar of author | 11/02/2023
The quality is wonderful, everything deeply calculated... I just love it. As said by some previous customers, the best current insert on the market ! The sending costs were a bit high but I recommand it for all boards and Lotr passionate.
GG Avatar of author | 20/01/2023
The best Insert on market for this board game.
JP Avatar of author | 12/10/2022
Parádní insert, krom maličkosti rozdělení karet
Avatar of author | 14/09/2022
Paradni insert, kvalitne zpracovany, setri hodne mista a ma i prostor na budouci rozsireni.
SK Avatar of author | 08/03/2022
Insert je skvelý. Páči sa mi aj dizajn jednotlivých komponentov. Urýchli prípravu na hru a kvalita použitých materiálov je na vysokej úrovni.

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