Curent manufacture line approximately 4 weeks long!

Insert for Terraforming Mars

Supports all available expansions, Big box excluded.

Build to Order
Code: 903
Brand: Kalkared
33,87 €
Category: Inserts for Board Games
Weight: 0.6 kg
? Filament Color: Black (BLK), Blue (BLU), Green (GRN), Red (RED), Yellow (YLW)
? Netto Weight [g]: 450
? Card Tray [mm]: 68,2 x 93 (Diamond GREEN)
? Box [mm]: 287 x 287 x 68
  • Compatible with Terraforming Mars (2016)

  • Supports Prelude, Hellas and Elysium, Venus Next, Colonies, Turmoil a Special player boards expansions.

  • Supports card sleeves with 80 microns thickness (FFG, Mayday, Diamond, Paladin, Board Game Sleeves, etc.).

  • Not compatible with Big box!

  • Insert is made of 15 pieces of trays and boxes.
    • 2 x Box for credits
    • 5 x Player’s box
    • 2 x Low tray for cards
    • 2 x High tray for cards
    • 1 x Box for Colonies
    • 1 x Box for title tokens
    • 1 x Box for neutral components
    • 1 x Tray for map tiles


  • It is possible to store game vertically with this accesory as long as the lid is tight shut. You have to own all mentioned expansions to work it properly vertically.

  • Material: PETG (is not affected by UV light or embrittlement in time and has higher stiffness unlike usual PLA). Printed with Standard color. If you have a special request and want to have your insert in a different color, contact us first please.

  • Most of our products are printed on order and manufacture time is taking around 2 weeks. We are keeping in stock only the most buyed items, more in ABOUT US.

  • Colors of parts can be very often different than in reality for prototype reasons but there sill applies the rules about Standard colors.

  • Original components of the game and card sleeves in photos are only for purpose of presentation and showcase of distribution and they are not part of delivery.

  • This is not an officially licenced product.

  • Declaration of Comformity, Manual and Layout of components can be found on THIS page.
  • Goods are Built to Order and cannot be returned within the statutory 14 day period.
  • Card Sleeves (protects cards against wearing, tearing and also greasy fingers - conserves the value of your game)
    • If you own all previously mentioned expansions you will need the following number and type of packs available in our store and directly here in Related menu.
      • 6 x Diamond Green: Standard (63,5x88 mm)
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RV Avatar of author | 03/09/2024
Skvělý, skvělý, skvělý. Děkuji moc.
IK Avatar of author | 20/04/2024
Great quality, fits with dragon shield sleeves.
LS Avatar of author | 08/03/2023
I asked the seller a few times because I was anxious because I didn't have the invoice number. The product arrived safely today. I organized it, and I'm very, very satisfied. If there is an organiser next time, I will use it again.
N Avatar of author | 12/12/2022
Výborný insert, chytře vymyšlený. Hra je okamžitě rozložena a připravena k hraní. Karty v obalech se vlezou bez problémů.
BB Avatar of author | 27/09/2022
Great product. you may think this is only for OCD people, but you actually save a lot of time for setting up and cleaning up after the game (which is important for 2h+ games...). Great service as well as I could organized an "expedited" delivery via messenger so it arrives in time for my friend's birthday. Both her and I love our inserts :) Thanks for the great design and reactivity.
MC Avatar of author | 07/02/2022
Absolutely amazing product! Quality is very high and the placement of the inserts is extremely well thought out. This made setting up and putting up the game with all its expansions a lot easier!
L Avatar of author | 05/11/2021
Na mistra Kalkareda jsem narazila náhodou a právě kvůli MT. Hra i s rozšířeními je opravdu našlapaná komponentami i kartami, což znesnadňuje její přípravu. Díky tomuto insertu jde ale vše hladce. Jediné čeho je mi trochu líto... je že nejsou dvě mističky na destičky terénu/lesa atd. - dvoje mističky na kostičky měny se nám totiž líbí moc. Insert už mám doma nějakou dobu a nejsou s ním vůbec žádné problémy. Máme doma verzi s barevnými mističkami na komponenty hráčů a je pravda, že to občas zachrání před hledáním na stole. Hru skladujeme na výšku a zatím se nám nestalo, že by se komponenty rozsypaly - v případě, že však zatím nemáte všechna rozšíření, tak bych raději skladovala vodorovně. Obaly máme 80 micronů od Tlamy a karty se v nich krásně vlezou do insertu.
T Avatar of author | 04/11/2021
I have found Kalkared on Youtube because I was looking for a 3D printed insert for Terraforming Mars. As soon as I saw his video, I knew I wanted this. The contact went smoothly and Michal was able to clarify all my questions. After a few weeks I received my insert, which makes me smile every time I pack and unpack Terraforming Mars. The quality is so great and I couldn't be more pleased and happy. Thank you Michal!

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