Curent manufacture line approximately 2 weeks long!

News about Kalkared and summer workings


Greetings to every fan of well organized board games.

Some of you already noticed recent long delivery times. This is caused especially because of great number of orders with Inserts for Root.

This summer will be longer for waiting in general and there are several reasons for it. Believe it or not but we are also only people and we need so steam to blow off, and this time, it will be quite literal.

From 02.06. to 19.06. we will be out and not operating! We will try to ship as many orders as possible until then but we are curently so occupied with orders that will not cover everyone.

We will take a vacation and start opening our very own café shop with boardgame club.

What you can look forward to:

  • good coffee, desserts, lemonades and basically everything you would expect from a coffe bar (maybe with something extra for hungry hungry gamers).
  • boardgames, inserts and accesories for boardgames which are for some time Kalkared's target area.
  • boardgames to be played with directly in the club - there will be games free to borrow and games for club members. More information about this in time.
  • tables to play small and quick games but also big tables for hardcore gamers.
  • Kalkared manufacture for inserts in back area.


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As you can see, we have a lot of work ahead of us. But it's all because of we want to make future orders flow smoother and faster (especially in stock items) so this is essential step for us. So Im asking you here for a patience and benevolence for the next two months. As soon as the manufacture part will be done and ready, we will be able to run it in 2 shifts which will increase the effecience alot thus the orders will be executed much faster.

Keep rooting for us and as never before, we are doing this as a players for other players. And without you, we are nothing and we would be nothing!

We will reveal more soon. There will be a section directly on these pages dedicated to the playroom and caffee.

Thank you for your attention.
