Curent manufacture line approximately 4 weeks long!


Premium is a cathegory of inserts with aspects of visual please and physical robustness in mind more than with our usual inserts.


Photoroom 003 20240919 195606
Insert for Blood on the Clocktower
Build to Order
Code: 221C
38,18 €
(46,19 € incl. VAT)
Photoroom 003 20250105 102954
Insert for Witcher: Old World
Build to Order
Code: 997C
48,22 €
(58,35 € incl. VAT)
Insert for Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City Exclusive Edition
68,31 €
(82,66 € incl. VAT)
Photoroom 003 20240318 184725
Insert for Horseless Carriage
Build to Order
Code: 954
32,95 €
(39,87 € incl. VAT)
Photoroom 002 20240302 201433
Insert for Imperium: Horizons
Build to Order
Code: 978H
from 23,71 €
(from 28,69 € incl. VAT)
Insert for Lords of Ragnarok
Insert for Lords of Ragnarok
Build to Order
Code: 949
70,32 €
(85,09 € incl. VAT)
6B1640AD FC15 4EF8 826C A35082916FAA
Insert for Twilight Imperium 4
Build to Order
Code: 916Z
from 94,43 €
(from 114,27 € incl. VAT)
Photoroom 005 20241106 201628 2024 11 06 19 18 17
Insert for SETI
Build to Order
Code: 994
35,36 €
(42,79 € incl. VAT)
Insert for Starship Interstellar
Insert for Starship Interstellar
Build to Order
Code: 968T
from 24,79 €
(from 30 € incl. VAT)
Photoroom 002 20250309 083403
Insert pro Bonsai
Build to Order
26,12 € incl. VAT
21,59 €

Supports Vigorous Growth & Specialist and Wabi Sabi expansions.

Code: 992
Photoroom 003 20250105 102954
58,35 € incl. VAT
48,22 €

Supports Exclusive Monster Pack, Mounted Eredin, Ciri, Lost Mount, Monster Trail, Wild Hunt, Adventure Pack, Skellige, Legendary Hunt and Mages expansions.

Code: 997C
Photoroom 005 20241106 201628 2024 11 06 19 18 17
Insert for SETI
Build to Order
42,79 € incl. VAT
35,36 €

Helps with gameplay. Faster setup and clean up.

Code: 994
Photoroom 004 20241024 214512 2024 10 24 19 46 14
27,72 € incl. VAT
22,91 €

Makes setup and clean up faster.

Code: 961
Photoroom 003 20240919 195606
46,19 € incl. VAT
38,18 €

Supports KS experimental characters. Perfect tool for experienced storytellers running custom scripts!

Code: 221C
Photoroom 004 20240711 202054
Insert pro Tamashii
Build to Order
from 56,01 € incl. VAT
from 46,29 €

Kickstarter/Retail version. Supports Lost Pages, Forbidden Chapter, Catie’s Diary and Owlman expansions.

Code: 988R
Insert for Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City Exclusive Edition
82,66 € incl. VAT
68,31 €

Supports Families and Outcasts, Side Gig, Motor Pool, Gang Wars, 3D Hideouts & Drones Pack and Panam Palmer Promo. Faster setup and gameplay.

Code: 985A
Insert for Starship Interstellar
from 30 € incl. VAT
from 24,79 €

Supports Halley’s Comet, Danger from Kuiper, Anti Matter, Plastic Planet Sets and Goverment Probe + Our own planet models.

Code: 968T
Photoroom 002 20240318 184100
29,66 € incl. VAT
24,51 €

Helps to play game easier, saves some space on table and makes setup faster.

Code: 952I
Photoroom 003 20240318 184725
39,87 € incl. VAT
32,95 €

Helps to play game easier and makes setup faster.

Code: 954
Insert for Bloodborne
108,63 € incl. VAT
89,77 €

Supports all Kickstarer expansions!

Code: 951
Photoroom 002 20240302 201433
from 28,69 € incl. VAT
from 23,71 €

Supports Classics, Legends and Horizons.

Code: 978H
PhotoRoom 003 20240130 173058
Insert pro On Mars
Build to Order
45,32 € incl. VAT
37,45 €

Supports Alien Invasion and Upgrade Pack expansions.

Code: 947
PhotoRoom 000 20231027 213908
33,50 € incl. VAT
27,69 €

Supports Escalation KS exclusive, Confrontation, Stand-In-heroes, Escalation and On the Verge expansions.

Code: 918
PhotoRoom 004 20231015 190735
Insert for Revive
Build to Order
36,37 € incl. VAT
30,06 €

Supports Call of the Abyss expansion and metal major artifacts. Insert also has map frame.

Code: 917
Insert for Lords of Ragnarok
85,09 € incl. VAT
70,32 €

Supports Stretch Goals, Monster Variety Pack, Seas of Aegir, Realms of Giant and Valkyrie Hero expansions.

Code: 949
PhotoRoom 008 20230513 220816
29,17 € incl. VAT
24,11 €

Supports Viren Invasion and Anomaly expansions.

Code: 939
Insert for Hegemony
Insert for Hegemony
Build to Order
from 50,57 € incl. VAT
from 41,79 €

Supports Crisis & Control, Historical Events, metal coins, and our new gadgets!

Code: 925CZ
37706FBA 79D2 418F B940 D5AB64B9BDB3
Insert for Ankh
Build to Order
114,41 € incl. VAT
94,55 €

Supports Tomb of Wonders, Guardians Set, Pharaoh and Pantheon expansions.

Code: 950
PhotoRoom 001 20221029 084551
Insert for Lacrimosa
Build to Order
32,33 € incl. VAT
26,72 €

Has real tuning fork as a first player marker.

Code: 983
PhotoRoom 005 20220331 181034
93,36 € incl. VAT
77,15 €

Compatible with all available expansions and premium content. Available in English and German language.

Code: 934LC
64582D5C C4B8 4057 99EF B4D7623C48D9
Insert for Bitoku
Build to Order
32,97 € incl. VAT
27,25 €

Parts of insert can be placed directly on a board.

Code: 959
9E81DFDB 2490 430A 88AC C0E5FF3E87A5
from 23,53 € incl. VAT
from 19,45 €

Supports Pearlbrook, Legends, Extra! Extra!, Spirecrest, Bellfaire, New Leaf and Mistwood expansions.

Code: 969U
PhotoRoom 007 20230605 171709
40,99 € incl. VAT
33,88 €

Supports Plans & Ploys, Arts & Architectures and Futures & Fantasies.

Code: 965
More products
32 items total