Premium is a cathegory of inserts with aspects of visual please and physical robustness in mind more than with our usual inserts.

Supports Vigorous Growth & Specialist and Wabi Sabi expansions.

Helps with gameplay. Faster setup and clean up.

Makes setup and clean up faster.

Helps to play game easier, saves some space on table and makes setup faster.

Helps to play game easier and makes setup faster.

Supports all Kickstarer expansions!

Supports Alien Invasion and Upgrade Pack expansions.

Supports Escalation KS exclusive, Confrontation, Stand-In-heroes, Escalation and On the Verge expansions.

Supports Stretch Goals, Monster Variety Pack, Seas of Aegir, Realms of Giant and Valkyrie Hero expansions.

Supports Viren Invasion and Anomaly expansions.

Supports Tomb of Wonders, Guardians Set, Pharaoh and Pantheon expansions.

Has real tuning fork as a first player marker.

Parts of insert can be placed directly on a board.

Supports Plans & Ploys, Arts & Architectures and Futures & Fantasies.