Curent manufacture line approximately 4 weeks long!

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5,0 199 ratings
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VT Avatar of author Vidalies Thomas | 17/09/2023
TB Avatar of author Thierry BAFARD | 28/08/2023
Superbe insert, quel plaisir, tout se met en place parfaitement.
JG Avatar of author Jakub Gajda | 26/08/2023
J Avatar of author JP | 20/08/2023
This is great! It actually fits up to every current expensions and with some room to spare. Setting up is so much quicker now thanks to this.
JK Avatar of author Jaroslav Kopasek | 09/08/2023
VS Avatar of author Vít Straka | 04/08/2023
Insert je perfektní, vše se do něj vejde a dobře se v něm orientuje. Komunikace s obchodem na výborné úrovni. Díky
TR Avatar of author Tim Rimbach | 03/08/2023
Sehr schneller Druck und Versand nach Deutschland. Inlays passen super und sind sehr durchdacht. Werde öfters Mal vorbei schauen und gucken ob es was neues gibt. PS: die dazu gehörigen YouTube Videos sind wirklich Klasse und haben mich zu dem Kauf von direkt 2 Inlays angeregt
SG Avatar of author Sergio Rodríguez González | 24/07/2023
Perfect inserts, I saved a lot of space in my room and my games are far better organized.
MH Avatar of author Michael Hild | 11/07/2023
ZG Avatar of author Zbigniew Grodziński | 04/07/2023
A great insert, at the beginning its light construction raised doubts, but after putting it in the box and filling it with content, it stiffened. Personally, I recommend it perfectly organizes game elements and speeds up assembly from 20 minutes to 10 minutes, and unfolding from 30 minutes to 20 minutes.
AP Avatar of author Anton Porotikov | 03/07/2023
Walls feel a bit thin. Not sure how will they last. Colors match 100%, great solution that fits everything in only 2 boxes!
AM Avatar of author Andreas Medek | 04/06/2023
Top shop!
SG Avatar of author Sergio Rodríguez González | 04/06/2023
I just bought one product but I'm sure I will bought many more in the near future. The inser for Fallout was perfect, really useful and of great quality. Really happy with the purchase.
OP Avatar of author Oleksandr Panchenko | 11/05/2023
Great quality of inserts. Really, guys you are the best. Please widen your products range
SF Avatar of author Selka Faïçal | 11/05/2023
The insert looks amazing and robust. The all-in of Ankh fit perfectly into two boxe. I hope that he will work for an insert to organize Massive Darkness 2
PK Avatar of author Peter Klein | 30/04/2023
OK. Kvalitne inserty.
Avatar of author Jana Švecová | 30/04/2023
Som veľmi spokojná s kvalitou dodaných produktov aj rýchlosťou vybavenia objednávky.
JH Avatar of author Jiří Horáček | 30/04/2023
Dokonaly insert na TI4.
MK Avatar of author Mateusz Kedzierski | 06/04/2023
Products are fine although are a little flimsy due to projects that are saving on material. Customer service very poor, possibly due to language barrier. Definitely improvement required in both areas.
FP Avatar of author Francesco Puca | 02/04/2023
Very satisfied
199 items total