Store rating
I bought the inlet for Twilight Imperium (expansion included) and it is great!! It makes the game even more fun to play cause of the great ressource management system from Kalkared. And you can start to play the game much faster cause you find everything you need really quick with that storage system. Very happy with it ????????
Kvalitní inserty. Lze jen doporučit.
Aliaksei Shemet
Felix Feuerhake
Artur Godziszewski
I am very pleased with the Parks game insert. The quality of the material and workmanship is very high. The insert is very ergonomic.
Michael Zaino
Marian Hlaváček
100% spokojenost.
Francisco Jose Amador Miranda
Satisfied with the purchase.
Good insert
Ron Boyko
Greatly satisfied with the product taking 6 boxes down to 2 is amazing
Jiří Kocourek
Kvalitní a chytře vymyšlené inserty. Velká spokojenost a určitě doporučuji!
Patrick Krüger
great game equipment!
I purchased the Dune 2019 insert after asking some product details and estimated production time. Very good work!
Jordi Mares Soler
Adrian Neville
Got the Dune 2019 insert. Quality product, and fair price. Highly recommended!
Branislav Kováč
Insert Dune.
Dobre premyslený návrh.
Výborná kvalita.
Dobrá komunikácia a rýchle dodanie tovaru.
Lesson Tang
Excellent work. I ordered Root (with Marauders), Pax Pamir, terraforming mars, bitoku. All insert are in super high quality, its worth to wait. I would love to visit and shop again, the price is excellent and shipping is friendly even to HongKong, I will refer to my bg group.,
Dušan Basl
Opět velmi vydařený insert, který je možno objednata i s 3D doplňky - vlaky, lodě a hlavně je uzpůsobený že můžete mít Birmingham a Lancashire v jedné krabici, počítá i s pokerovými chipsy, no prostě paráda. Na všech insertech KALKARED je vidět že navrhovatel je i hráč a přemýšlí nejen nad uskladněním ale i nad šetřením času při přípravě a následné úspory i místa na stole.
James Ellis
Excellent products, ordered Root (with Marauders), Pax Pamir and Lords of Hellas. All inserts are excellent quality, but the Root one is exceptional and one of the best inserts I've purchased.
Lightweight, thin, yet still robust enough, with wonderfullly colour coded sections it really does show the superiority of 3D printed inserts compared to wooden ones, which are often still excellent, but can't quite reach the organisational quality on show here and weigh a significant amount more, and foamcore which while lightweight can only really achieve fairly basic organisation and both require assembly.
KALKAREDs designs are top notch, the prices are excellent and everything was UK friendly in terms of shipping, taxes & fees.
I will be keeping an eye on future releases, and they will be my goto whenever possible.
Philipp Paland