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Insert pro Lords of Hellas

Kombatibilní se všemi rozšířeními hry kromě Mounted Heroes. 

Na objednávku
Kód: 948
Značka: Kalkared
2 050 Kč 2 481 Kč včetně DPH
Kategorie: Inserty k deskovým hrám
Hmotnost: 1.99 kg
? Barva filamentu: Black (BLK), Blue (BLU), Brown (BRW), Green (GRN), Red (RED), Violet (VLT), Yellow Bright (YLWB)
? Hmotnost Netto [g]: 750 až 1750
? Komora pro karty [mm]: 46 x 68 (Diamond Red), 49,5 x 72 (Diamond Azure), 68,2 x 93 (Diamond GREEN)
? Krabice [mm]: 287 x 287 x 100, 294 x 294 x 150
  • Kompatibilní se hrou Lords of Hellas (2017)

  • Podporuje rozšíření Warlord Box, City of Steel, Lord of the Sun a Atlas

  • Všechna rozšíření lze skladovat v Core boxu (herní prvky) a Warlord boxu (miniatury)
    • Poznámka k rozložení komponent: Část insertu pro Core box nepojme figurky monster a monumentů ze základní krabice. S tímto insertem jsou namísto toho uloženy ve Warlod boxu. Shlédněte prosím video, abyste plně pochopili jeho funkčnost.
  • Podporuje obaly na karty s tloušťkou 80 mikronů (FFG, Mayday, Diamond, Paladin, Board Game Sleeves, atd.)

  • Produkt se skládá z následujících komponent
    • Core Box
      • 5 x Krabička na velké karty
      • 1 x Krabička na malé karty a žetony věhlasu
      • 6 x Krabička pro komponenty hráče
      • 1 x Krabička pro figurky chrámů, múz a Pandořiny skříňky
      • 1 x Krabička pro figurky hrdinů, Orákula, Kamene Atlase a různých žetonů
    • Warlord Box
      • 1 x Krabička pro Krona
      • 1 x Krabička pro Atlase
      • 1 x Krabička pro monumenty Hada, Apolla, Hephaesta a Poseidona
      • 1 x Krabička pro monumenty Dia, Atheny a Herma
      • 2 x Krabička pro miniatury měst
      • 4 x Krabička pro miniatury monster 



  • Dokud je víko pevně přivřené, je možné insert skladovat i vertikálně.

  • Materiál: PETG (oproti typickému PLA nepodléhá UV záření, křehnutí a má vyšší pevnost). Tištěno Standardní barvou. Pokud máte zvláštní přání na jiné barevné složení, nejdříve nás kontaktujte.

  • Většina produktů je tištěná na objednávku s výrobním časem okolo 2 týdnů, skladem držíme pouze nejkupovanější položky, více v O NÁS.

  • Barvy komponent ve videích mohou být často jiné, než jaké jsou ve skutečnosti, stále ale platí pravidlo o Standardní barvě

  • Původní komponenty hry a obaly karet slouží pouze pro ukázku rozložení v insertu a nejsou součástí dodávky.

  • Nejedná se o oficiálně licencovaný produkt.
  • Prohlášení o shodě, návod k použití a rozložení komponent ve výrobku lze nalézt na TÉTO stránce.
  • Zboží je vyráběno na zakázku a není jej možné vracet v zákonné 14denní lhůtě
  • Obaly na karty (chrání karty proti opotřebení, roztržení i proti mastným prstům - zachovávají hodnotu vaší hry)
    • Pokud ke hře vlastníte všechna výše vyjmenovaná rozšíření, budete potřebovat následující druhy a množství balíčků obalů, které najdete v záložce Související.
      • 1 x Diamond Azure: European Mini (45x68 mm)
      • 3 x Diamond Green: Standard (63,5x88 mm)
Nevyplňujte toto pole:
OT Avatar autora | 4.9.2024
Excellent space saver and excellent reducing av setup time!! Really love this insert and it's awesome product quality, looks awesome, multicolor, wow! Quick and helpful communication, no question ask in case of replacement 👌 (Due to transport damage despite good packaging!). Already 3th insert I purchased here and will continue!
AG Avatar autora | 18.12.2023
Not only is it probably the only available insert for the Lords of Hellas game, but it also contains all the elements and expansions as well as additional game content from Kickstarter. I didn't believe I would be able to throw away three expansions boxes. But it actually happened! In addition, the insert is made of multi-colored material. The colors of some boxes match the colors of the player pieces they contain, to make it easier to find the pieces and figures you need. All containers are perfectly designed with attention to detail. Amazing design and beauty. If I could I would give it a 6! A 'must have' for all collectors and people who have a lot of games and want to reduce the number of boxes and save space on shelves.
E Avatar autora | 31.10.2023
Excellent insert. Fits perfectly and stores everything nicely in 2 boxes (core and warlord boxes). in my opinion the best Storage Solution on the market for Lords of Hellas. Fast Production / delivery and good communication.
IK Avatar autora | 9.6.2023
Kalkared is the only provider who sells inserts for Lords Of Hellas with you can place all expansions in the Core Box and in the Warlord Box. Moreover you do not have to assemble it. Maximum you need to watch a video to learn which insert goes where. The quality is good I am fully satisfied with that. One remark: The Sleeved cards barely fit in their places (even with using Pandora's box holder) so you must be careful not to use too wide, too long or too high quality sleeves. E.g.: the old FFG grey sleeves are too long for the card boxes, and the very high quality Dragon Shield sleeves (Classic matte) are too thick for them. However at the end with a little playing with the boxes I managed to place all cards using Dragon Shield, but the boxes are totally full. All in all I only can recommend to anyone this insert.
AT Avatar autora | 20.1.2023
As always: Kalkared productions are of the best quality. Everything has a spot in the insert and fits well. I have EVERYTHING for Lords of Hellas, and it all fits in both the original box and the warlord box. Only two very minor issues: Zeus' lightning whip has to be bent *slightly* to fit. For those that have this game, you know that it is all kinds of misshapen from the factory, so this isn't a big deal. Another god figure has a sword that bends a little bit at the end to fit. Only other issue is that sleeved cards BARELY fit. There is definitely compaction, and even the reserve card holder will be full. Still fits, though. Once again, as always: I would definitely recommend Kalkared over any other insert.
Z Avatar autora | 18.3.2022
Really impressed with this insert. The design, organization, and print quality are all top notch. As others have noted, there aren't really many options out there for LoH storage. Not only does this solution provide a space saving option, but it does so with style. I would note that I was also able to fit the mounted heroes and the Nemesis promo in compartments with other miniatures, so I have everything LoH all within the 2 boxes. Thank you Kalkared!
JL Avatar autora | 22.2.2022
Agreed with everyone below…only great solution for LoH all-in (would be top tiered even with other options existed). Only thing to point out is the card holders from the video do not match what I got…two trays were different (trays I got matched the pictures). Also, I was able to sleeve the monster boards/mobilization track (had to the trim 1mm excess off the top of the sleeves) which fit perfectly without a box lift. I used 60 micron sleeves and got all cards including two sets of promos decks into the box with no room to spare)(Prophecy and Determination promos). Wish they engraved the monster/monument names on the trays to help identify what goes where faster (they are stated on the sheet of paper. so, not a guessing game but would be nice to not have to keep that sheet. The Nemesis promo monster “Adrestia” miniature has no place, but fits with Siren. Setup/teardown is significantly easier with this and worth the price.
T Avatar autora | 3.12.2021
Amazing product, condensing all my boxes into the two main ones was a joy to watch! now it only fills 1 kallax square :) I mirror the other reviewers below. This is the only solution on the market for a good all-in insert / setup and tear-down. Well worth it!
AS Avatar autora | 13.11.2021
Great product - there is no full insert on the market for the whole game set, this is the only real solution for storing the whole game in 2 boxes. Quality and design is great, would recommend for everyone!
T Avatar autora | 4.11.2021
Perfektní modulární insert, opět velmi urychluje přípravu a snadno se připravují i jednotlivá rozšíření.

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